Monday, March 19, 2007

A lesson To Remember!!!

إذا الشعب يوماً أراد الحياة
فلابد أن يستجيب القدر
ولا بد لليل أن ينجلي
ولا بد للقيد أن ينكسر
ومن لم يعانقه شوق الحياة
تبخر من جوها واندثر
فويل لمن تشقه الحياة
من صفعة العدم المنتصر

ودمدمت الريح بين الفجاج
وفوق الجبال وتحت الشجر
"إذا ما طمحت إلى غاية
ركبت المنى ونسيت الحذر
ولم أتجنب وعور الشباب
ولا كبة اللهب المستعر
ومن يتهيب صعود الجبال
يعش أبد الدهر بين الحفر
فعجت بقلبي دماء الشباب
وضجت بصدري رياح أُخر
وأطرقت أصغي لقصف الرعود
وعزف الرياح ووقع المطر"

وقالت لي الأرض لما سألت
"أيا أم هل تكرهين البشر"
"أبارك في الناس أهل الطموح
ومن يستلذ ركوب الخطر
وألعن من لا يماشي الزمان
ويقنع بالعيش عيش الحجر
هو الكون حي يحب الحياة
ويحتقر الميت مهما كبر
فلا الأفق يحضن ميت الطيور
ولا النحل يلثم ميت الزهر
ولولا أمومة قلبي الرؤوم
لما ضمت الميت تلك الحفر
فويل لمن لم تشقه الحياة
من لعنة العدم المنتصر"

وفي ليلة من ليالي الخريف
مثقلة بالأسى والضَجر
سكرت بها من ضياء النجوم
وغنيت للحزن حتى سكر
سألت الدجى: "هل تعيد الحياة
لمن أذبلته ربيع العمر"
فلم تتكلم شفاه الظلام
ولم تترنـَم عذارى السمر
وقال لي الغاب في رقـَة
محببة مثل خفق الوتر:
"يجيء الشتاء شتاء الضباب
شتاء الثلوج شتاء المطر
فينطفئ السحر سحر الغصون
وسحر الزهور وسحر الثمر
وسحر السماء الشجي الوديع
وسحر المروج الشهي العطر
وتهوي الغصون وأوراقها
وأزهار عهد حبيب نضر
وتلهو بها الريح في كل وادٍ
ويدفنها السيل أنـَى عبر
ويفنى الجميع كحلم بديع
تألـَق في مهجة واندثر
وتبقى البذور التي حُمَلت
ذخيرة عمر جميل عبر
وذكر فصول ورؤيا حياة
وأشباح دنيا تلاشت زمر
معانقة وهي تحت الضباب
وتحت الثلوج وتحت المدر
لطيف الحياة الذي لا يُمل
وقلب الربيع الشذي الخضِر
وحالمة بأغاني الطيور
وعطر الزهور وطعم الثمر

ويمشي الزمان فتنمو صروف
وتذوي صروف وتحيا أُخر
وتصبح أحلامها يقظة
موشحة بغموض السَمر
تسائل: أين ضباب الصباح
وسحر المساء وضوء القمر
وأسراب ذاك الفراش الأنيق
ونحل يغنَي وغيم يـمر
وأين الأشعة والكائنات
وأين الحياة التي أنتظر
ظمئت إلى النور فوق الغصون
ظمئت إلى الظل تحت الشجر
ظمئت إلى النبع بين المروج
يغنَي ويرقص فوق الزهر
ظمئت إلى نغمات الطيور
وهمس النسيم ولحن المطر
ظمئت إلى الكون أين الوجود
وأين أرى العالم المنتظر
هو الكون خلف السبات الجمود
وفي أفق اليقظات الكـُبر

وما هو إلا كخفق الجناح
حتى نـما شوقها وانتصر
فصَدعت الأرض من فوقها
وأبصرت الكوت عذب الصَور
وجاء الربيع بأنغامه
وأحلامه وصباه العطر
وقال لها: قد مـُنحتِ الحياة
وخـُلـَدت في نسلك المدَخر
وباركك النور فاستقبلي
شباب الحياة وخضب العمر

وشفَ الدجى عن جمال عميق
يشبَ الخيال ويذكي الفكر
ومـُدَ على الكون سحر غريب
يصرَفه ساحر مقتدر
وضاءت شموع النجوم الوضاء
وضاع البخور بخور الزهر
ورفرف روح غريب الجمال
بأجنحة من ضياء القمر
ورنً نشيد الحياة المقدَس
في هيكل حالم قد سـُحر
وأُعلن في الكون أنَ الطموح
لهيب الحياة وروح الظفر

إذا طمحت للحيـاة النفـوس
فـلا بـدَ أن يستجيب القـدر

من كتاب : أروع ما قيل في الوطنية
للدكتور يحيى شامي

Monday, October 02, 2006

Long time no see

Hello there,

I know you all were wondering where I was cos I wasnt very talkative for the last months but I was just so busy with school and work now that this semester is the one before last its getting more complicated and more reading to do every day. This semester Im taking three classes, the Politics of modern Iran, American foreign policy and a seminar in latin America. In today's class the politics of Modern Iran the professor asked me somthing interesting. He said when did you first hear of khomeini. It doesnt matter what I said but its not the answer I gave that concerned me. It was what that brought of memories. I remembered the history books we used to study while we were in Iraq and how they are so enriched with material but at the same time they lack one main thing, the Truth. We were seeing the world from the eyes of the government; the way they wanted us to see it. But now that Im studying politics and all that I can see the world from a broad more truthful way and I can see that this world is not what I used to know. I think I wont go in details about that right now cos the subject is too deep and what I meant is how the West and Islam and the history of Iran and America and Iraq is all reviewed in those history books that shouldnt be called history books but rather books of fables and stories of some wide imagination.

That is all I have for now. I dont know I just wanted to throw this out there for you who are concerned about why and how and what...and all kinda of questions..not that Im answering any but Im just adding more questions to yours.

Good night.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Smurfs

Well this one is funny...

Today I woke up earlier than I usually do Because I had to take care of somthing. After I was done it was about 1:00 pm so I decided to go and watch TV and I found the "Smurfs" Cartoon series on. I havnt watched that cartoon since like seven years ago and last time I watched it, they were speaking Arabic haha, Because in my country they do voice over for such shows 'cause kids cant read subtitles. I was so happy to know that the kid inside of me is still alive. Yes, and she was soooo excited to see that show again. I was so excited that I recorded the show so I can watch it over and over again...Im so happy I got to see them again. and I know that sound silly because I can always go to a store and buy the show but it wasnt like that. IT was about somthing bigger. It was about me not growing up as much as I thought I had...anyway I have to go now but I might write more later See you then...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thank you

Dear Readers,

As you can see that my last post was in March. I know you are probably wondering why am I not writing anything and where Im right now. Well Life somtimes takes places we dont even know about. Not that I went anywhere but I left for summer vacation to Texas. For the last two months I have been busy working, studying for finals and moving out of the dorms...

Sorry I havnt wrote anything lately but I will write more now that I have the time. So, I was about to go to bed but I couldn't. I was thinking of somthing that was said earlier today by one of my friends. She said I bet you want to be home, and if it wasnt for the war I wouldn't be here from the first place. I thought about that and it struck me that I never really thought of it that hard...I dont think I would have come to the States if it wasn't because of the war. I mean I had thought of traveling all my life and I always wanted to be somwhere away from home. But I never imagined myself here in the States. I mean its funny how I was yesterday sitting with my family, watching TV, making dinners...and going to bed on the roof of the house where we used to watch the stars in the summer. And look at me now; I have my own bed, my own room, my own computer, cell phone..everything that I ever wanted. Im going to school and Im getting a degree, a Master's degree...What more could I possibly be asking for. I have everything. I made friends who love me and I love them, all of them. My family loves me..and they are proud. So It made me realize how wonderful my life is. and how thankful I should be. But who should I thank? My friends who made my dreams come true? my family who always supported me? or is it both...I think I know...and so I wanted to Thank everyone, starting with the people who made this True. Kerry, Don, kevin, Mama, Family, friends, everyone who made this true....Thank you. You made me who Im right now, yoou made me strong. and above all . You Made my Dream come true....and For all that I'm grateful.

have a good night.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Impact of War on Public Health in Iraq

I got invited to this event, it was called the impact of war on public heath in Iraq. Th event is hosted by codepink Organization and the main speaker was a doctor from Iraq, Baghdad. I was hoping to hear things like what is the situation of health systme now after the war, what has changed and what didnt, and so on. But I was shoked to sit there and listen to politics, which I shoudnt be surprised to hear from an Iraqi woman. My shoke was resulted by the fact that the event was suppose to talk mainly about health problems and difficulties, but instead she started talking about what the Americans did and are doing in Iraq, and start calling for the American to leave Iraq immediatly. Not to say that Im against or with that, but I wasnt happy with it. The fact that you want people to listen to you is ok with me, but you have to understand that people here are not ready to listen unless you give them a reason to. By talking about what the Americans are doing and how aweful it is to live in Baghdad and that a bomb went off here and a car exploded there, you are basically talking about news which most Americans dont sit and watch. At the time when that happened I wished that I could take the stand and try to speak to the audience who attended only to hear about that main subject, HEALTH. I wanted to say that if you want to talk about the health system then look at the corruption within the hospitals, the ministry of health and the contracts that are being signed now to export some medicine inside the country. Health and hospitals in Iraq are suffereing from lack of medicine and lack of supplies. That is not somthing that the Americans are responsible for a 100%. The Iraqis in the government are also reponsible. Everyone who is considering himself as an insurgent trying to librate the country is responsible by killing and injuring the people who need the help now. So Who are we kidding by saying Americans are the ones who should take the blame. Im not here to defend anyone. But I have lived there in Iraq, and Im living here in the US right now and I see what is happenning. People are different whether its here or there. You cant blame somthing on someone unless you have true reasons to believe so. Where is your avidence? What could be a relieble avidence? In the case of Iraq, why should it always be either black or white? Americans or insurgants? why shouldnt it be Gray? why dont the Iraqis try, in the little that is left there to help stop who ever is doing that? Why the government in Iraq, try even at least a little to be more of a help to the people than being the same exact bad picture that was before the war. What did the American do since they have been to Iraq? Did they do better things, bad things, did they change anything? Did the Iragi government change anything since they were elected? Was it for the good or the bad?

Lots of questions, no ANswer unfortunatly, although I have my own opinion which I dont wanna express now about that because I need further observation of all the questions. But I thought of these questions and if you are talking politics then this is what your presentation should be about. As for the public health, it became only another subject that is forgotten like thousands of other things in there.

Friday, March 17, 2006

In Memory of Atwar..May your soul rest in peace

I was in high school when I first met her. She sat there and she looked so elegant. It was my first time joining the student union, and had no idea of what I would be doing there. I asked her and she told me that I have to fill out some paper work and stuff. That was in 1997, It was good. After that we became friends, not really close but she was always nice to me, and to everyone. I went to college after that and didnt see her for quite a bit but I heard her news all the time through other friends I had. Just when I started working with the news there, I found out where her work was and I got to see her more. At the time she started working as a reporter for one of the Arab News Channels in Baghdad. She was smart, bright, sweet and she had the prettiest eyes ever. But when the tension increased in Iraq in the last couple of weeks, she was doing her work as usual. The mosque in North of Baghdad was attacked and destroyed. She was covering that story. They didnt even give her a chance, they shot her in her car. Some insurgents or whatever they call themselves. I cant say more about her, because whatever I would say its not enough...We will all miss you Atwar. You were good to us and God will be good to you...May your soul rest in peace, God bless you and all the Iraqis.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

American Spring Break

Well, We used to have two weeks holiday back home. We will not call it spring break, but it always comes after the mid terms of the whole year because in Baghdad we dont have a semester. We normally have a whole year, and then we will have mid terms in January and then we will take two weeks break after that. For me this is the first time I have a spring break. I went on the weekend to Daytona and Orlando. Orlando was good, we went to Downtown Disney and had a good dinner. We drove to Daytona afterwards and it was awesome, I havnt seen that many people out in the streets before. It was crazy. I saw different kinds of people there. I didnt know what to think first, but surely I missed my brother so much. Because if he was here we would have had so much fun laughing at things and mocking stuff around us. Its funny how different cultures can celebrate somthing. well at home we never really went out for spring break. although some families used to go to the north and enjoy the weather there, but for my family we always stayed at home and enjoyed watching TV and not having to study as much. My mom would tell us to study though when we get some time for the other half of the year. so Basically we just get some time off to sit at home.

Here, its not about the holiday. Its about how much money can you make and how much money can you make people spend. Flights are expensive, Hotels prices are higher and everything is almost crazy.
Anyway, Here its all about the market. The profit companies can make out of holidays.
I dont think I have anything else to add for now but I will try for later.

Good night